Alex K Stein | Visual Journalist

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Posts Tagged ‘athens County

Memorial, Police week and a new project.

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Lt. Anthony Fish, Athens Police, speaks to a crowd of Athens County officers, media and those who have relatives that serve and protect May 11, 2011, during a memorial preceeding National Police Week.

This week was National Police Week, following National Peace Officers’ Day on May 15. Last week, I covered a memorial in honor of fallen officers in Athens County. It was interesting seeing a more sensitive side of those who serve and protect, which I don’t see very often because of the nature of their job, especially in Athens, Ohio. The keynote speaker, Rev. Dave Cogar, talked about how a little bit of appreciation goes a long way. This sentiment was repeated by Athens Police Lt. Anthony Fish, who encouraged all those in attendance to give a simple thank you to the next person in uniform that you see.

I’ve also decided to try to come up with a project a week. These projects might be picture layouts or stories like this one, something just written (but I’ll probably still have a photo), a photo and a story, a slideshow, some audio, a video or anything else I might be working on. My hopes is that doing this will keep me pushing myself to be even better and inspire others to do work that makes them happy. As Sol Neelan said, “Own what you shoot.”

Read more about the event at The Post